Welcome To Our New Private Community!

On behalf of the entire Alfa Vedic family, Dr. Barre & Deborah Lando extend our appreciation and a most warm welcome to the new AV private online community!
Our new member-oriented site has been an evolution running parallel with AV farm expansion, a myriad of exciting in-house projects within the realms of integrative health care, bio-dynamic farming, off-grid living, and collaborations with notable experts & influencers world-wide.
Most important, the new AV site’s interactive format allows you to share your experience & suggestions in a Master Mind community of kindred Spirits on a common solution-based mission.
The vision of Alfa Vedic as a Living University grounded in agriculture and authentic science has now come full-circle with the inclusion of your energy and ideas to create a kinder world, where the notion of lack, illness and arbitrary restraints on God-given rights become a forgotten page in humanity’s long journey within this Realm.
It is our time now, and we have a job to do … together! ~ Dr. Barre Lando