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From: $5.00 / month
$15 every 3 months

Our first tier Supporters are essential to the AV Co-Operative. Your support bolsters our own efforts on both the energetic & financial front.  We are rapidly approaching the point of critical mass when violence, sickness & lack become a distant memory, and your numbers are more vital beyond what most can possibly appreciate. Thank you for being part of the change!

  • View the complete & uncensored Alfacast library of podcasts including interviews with Dr. Barre & Mike on other notable platforms.
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The Alfa Vedic permaculture farm demonstrates how local farming co-operatives can provide affordable nutritious food & medicinal herbs to restore the collective health & halt destructive corporate practices.

Grow your own!  Go on private AV farm tours,  and meet our extended community food exchange with other organic growers & raw dairy providers.  Get a front row seat in the AV Spagyrics lab for tutorials on creating home grown remedies to treat mind, body & spirit.

Understand the term Sovereignty as an experiential resonance, and the first essential realization in the journey toward Self-Determination in your business, financial & personal affairs.