Chris’topher’ Gardner is a Domesteader, builder, massage therapist and Podcaster from South Florida. After being immersed in the study of Vedanta Advaita he found himself in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle studying Viktor Schauberger, John Worrell Kelly, and Nikola Tesla for energy and food sovereignty.

The quest for self sufficiency brought him to learn how to build domes with Super Adobe and ferrocement.

Just like a musical instrument, we need to be tuned when we pick up and hold a discordant pattern.

“Our bodies are living tuning forks that constantly ring at the same frequency as our environment.”

“Body work is a signaling system that reminds the body and bio-electric field of it’s healthy harmonic. I have been trained how to manipulate the nervous system to find it’s highest octave of expression.”

Having the ability to mold buildings and people with his hands has benefitted his hybridizing tendencies.

This year Christopher is launching his Coral Domes company in the Ozarks of Missouri while streaming with legends from around the world on the Biocharisma Podcast.  The BioCharisma Podcast is an exploration of resilience with entrepreneurs.  Having the courage to step outside the box and forge a beneficial direction is the epicenter of these conversations. The banter is grounded in reality while having the levity of inspiration in very much the same way we do here on Alfacast.

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