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Tom Barnett is a holistic health practitioner who studied both conventional and alternative methods. He found most of what he learned to be theory only, because when faced with his own health issues, he was forced to find real answers.

Tom’s questioning mind has given him a unique point of balance in several different fields, and Tom speaks only from experience rather than theory. He has been a political candidate, practiced true law, written two books and has lived homeless and without money. He always puts an experience before material or monetary gain which has given him many valuable lessons. Tom’s main goal with a client, or audience is to inspire them to open new avenues of thought.

Tom is the founder of Global Biodynamics which has become an impactful voice in the world of education, health, finance, organic farming, conservation, and more. The art of ‘thinking for one’s self’ is a central theme in the seminars, retreats & corporate events sponsored by Global Biodynamics, and in today’s show we dive deeper into this often lost art amongst the sleeping masses.

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