International human & animal rights activist, Henna Maria rejoins Alfacast to discuss how we may better honor the essence & purpose of the Creature Class within our Realm.

Henna Marie returns to further explore the practice of carnism and its origins.  Some suspect Veganism to be a trending ploy to purposely weaken our bodies & vitality, but is animal protein actually necessary?  Such discussions are perhaps the most “triggering” of all subjects regardless of which side of the culinary fence you reside, but your Alfacast hosts never shy from a provocative conversation.

Activist and medicine woman Henna Maria will expose the insidious ways in which animals continue to be de-souled in our collective psychology. The debate of dietary choices is left hollow at its core, when it lacks the comprehension of the spiritual consequences of enslaving and eating animals. Henna will shed light on the contracts imposed on humanity and the conditions that are inflicted on our collective reality through this violent practice.

Henna Maria grew up in a tiny town in a Finnish forest, but her calling to explore the world led to an adventurous path of self-discovery and activism beginning at age 16.  Henna Maria’s early travels ranged from helping the homeless in San Francisco to her work with Amnesty International, and University studies in Translation Science and Psychology that eventuated as a simultaneous interpreter in UN peace keeper trainings.

” Is it love to remain silent and watch the world burn?”

In Henna Maria’s own words “as an interpreter one has no voice, and I had a message of my own to share.  In 2011, I started to find my true voice and the spiritual dimension of life began to reveal itself to me.”

“My search to comprehend the inner and outer landscapes of life eventually took me to the cradle of indigenous wisdom, the Amazon Rainforest.”  Together with her husband, she moved to Peru, and immersed in five years of learning ancestral healing arts with the Shipibo tribe, specializing in the art of icaros – songs of prayer and healing.

In 2019 Henna MariaI founded Dawn of Peace, bringing together her love for activism and spirituality, and began forming a collective of peace makers, with the capacity to address a diversity of world issues from a holistic and compassionate perspective.

“Our mission is to teach people about the spiritual reality of life, human and animal rights, medical freedom and self-sovereignty.”

In response to a rising trend in government totalitarianism Henna Maria co-founded the international Police For Freedom movement – educating police and civilians about our natural rights, in order to build unity and rehumanise our societies.

Henna Maria states, “As a true lover of humanity, my heart rejoices at the sight of golden threads of human connection being weaved across the world right now. Through excruciating pain, we are finding our sacred boundaries again. We are remembering our purpose and our place in this Creation. It is with great honour and gratitude that I carry the medicine of the ancients and continue to walk the path of service.”

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