On this special in-house discussion we go well beyond the germ theory debate to dissect the entire biological-energy continuum of the human Bioterrain.  The prevailing climate of contagion-fear has placed the Germ Theory vs Bioterrain debate center stage.  Unfortunately, the discussion has not evolved beyond a myopic fixation on our microbial eco-partners.

Nature does not create pathogens or disease.

On this episode we dissect Bioterrain concepts from on-the-ground biology to the cellular-ether interface to once and for all put the Disease Deception to rest. This comprehensive overview will draw on germ theory origins, the re-emerging alchemical sciences, the logical fallacies of scientism, etherian physics and Dr. Lando’s 40 years of clinical experience as a Bioterrain Physician.

In future episodes we’ll break each component down further, but this overview serves as a necessary preface.  Our times demand a great awareness to pierce the veils of deception, and face our responsibility to future generations.  We are in an information war, and the truth will indeed set us free!

Presentation link:
BioTerrain 3.0 

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