Executive Member

Choose Your Desired Donation:

From: $25.00 / month
$25 / month

Executive Members comprise our front line partners in the realization of the AV mission, and the additional benefits reflect this partnership.  As a pro-active participant you’re allowed a more intimate & interactive experience.

Added to every benefit extended to other Members you’ll receive special discounts, access to behind the scenes work here at the farm and first in line attendance privileges to AV workshops & online webinars.  Chat with the AV founders for their unique perspective on off-grid homesteading and how it’s absolutely possible to control your own destiny.  Thank you for taking the journey with us!

Thank you for becoming an Executive Member!  Your membership reflects your desire to join the millions of Kindred Spirits hastening the peaceful transition to resume our rightful stewardship for this Realm that we share.  You are joining a multi-faceted Master Mind group to disseminate truth, strategize & share solutions.  Your input is vital to the AV Community, and Executive Membership is designed for maximum interaction to this end!

  • All of the extended benefits of both Supporter & Co-Op Members.
  • A special 5% discount on the entire line of elite Alfa Vedic products in addition to monthly specials.
  • Access to behind the scenes workings and upcoming projects here at the AV farm.
  • First in line attendance privileges to AV workshops & online webinars.
  • Private discussion groups with experienced practitioners of Medicine, Law, Farming & Natural Science.
  • Chat with the AV founders about off-grid homesteading and how it’s absolutely possible to control your own destiny.
  • Monthly Executive Co-Op meetings for a private and intimate update on all things Alfa Vedic followed by an open Q&A session.


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The Alfa Vedic permaculture farm demonstrates how local farming co-operatives can provide affordable nutritious food & medicinal herbs to restore the collective health & halt destructive corporate practices.

Grow your own!  Go on private AV farm tours,  and meet our extended community food exchange with other organic growers & raw dairy providers.  Get a front row seat in the AV Spagyrics lab for tutorials on creating home grown remedies to treat mind, body & spirit.

Understand the term Sovereignty as an experiential resonance, and the first essential realization in the journey toward Self-Determination in your business, financial & personal affairs.