#255 – Wielding Equity For Natural Justice w/ Michael Joseph & Phil Mederi

Natural Design is the template gifted by our Creator for the elevation of human consciousness, as we journey through the procession of embodiments within this realm. Imagine the possibility of societal structures mirroring the straight-forward elegance of Nature.

Now contrast this with administrative agencies beyond number, each governed through unintelligible codes in the literal millions, and enforced through violence to usurp our sacred birthright of self-determination.

“We are here to tell you that there is ALWAYS remedy in Law!”

Mankind now presides over the transition of the ages, with the opportunity and choice to realize heaven on Earth with the caveat that we gain knowledge through the unification of heart and mind.  On this episode Michael Joseph & Phil Mederi from the Sacred Honor Educational Fellowship guide us in a deeper understanding of living free through Equity in law.

Alfa Vedic has hosted on-site workshops in addition to conducting multiple Alfacast interviews with experts on issues ranging from Self-governance from Status Correction to Land Patents, but Equity lies central to reestablishing Independence peacefully and honorably.

Join us in this timely and critical discussion, and become a conduit for the incoming radiance that will dissipate the darkness we have all endured into a distant memory.

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