#205 – Our Hidden History & Destiny w/ Phillip Lindsay

Phillip Lindsay has been a student and teacher of the Ageless Wisdom and Esoteric Astrology for over thirty years.  As a prolific writer and documentary film-maker, Phillip’s literary accomplishments include the Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays series, Destiny of the Races & Nations Vol. I-V, and The Initiations of Krishnamurti.

His brilliant documentary, The Hidden History of Humanity is an esoteric historical account of the rootraces from Lemuria and Atlantis to present day – into the future Sixth Rootrace.

He has presented his work at many spiritual institutions and esoteric education groups around the world, touring extensively since 2001 – as a perpetual traveler and global citizen.

Currently, Phillip’s main method of disseminating Esoteric Astrology and the Ageless Wisdom is through his monthly newsletters – received via email subscription and/or accessed on this website. Most past newsletters are in all of his publications. He is also available for  international visits and conduct webinars regularly.

Phillip’s website, Esoteric Astrologer is a vast depository of esoteric knowledge with great relevance to current events, and insightful resources to assist your personal journey of the Soul.  This very special episode is not to be missed!

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