Barre & Mike are back for another in-house chat, and we have a lot to catch up on!  Mike has returned from a fabulously successful Music & Sky event that left all attendees elated & inspired with a deepened realization that truth-seekers in Resonance can indeed create Heaven on Earth.

Just for grins, we thought we’d share a behind-the-scenes timeline of the evolution of Alfa Vedic, what fuels our passion and ultimate intentions.  We’ll catch you up on everything AV news-worthy:  the new AV Membership platform, upcoming workshops here at Alfa Vedic Gardens, the new AV Business center and Barre & Deb Lando’s new Off-grid Elegance video series that will chronicle a full year of self-sufficiency adventures here at the farm for an intimate view of the off-grid farming lifestyle in a beautiful wilderness setting.

We’ll cap it off with a discussion on how to live Scientifically through Applied Resonance when freed from NeoScience mind-control.

Next week we’ll begin a new series of Alfacasts with a stellar guest list beginning with George Wiseman, as we explore the Fourth State of Water, known as Brown’s Gas and it’s game-changing potential for both human health and energy freedom.

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