Why is hydrogen referred to as the God molecule?  This will be the subject of this Alfacast, and what inventor, George Wiseman will share could very well be a game-changer for your personal health & well-being.

George grew up as a cowboy in British Columbia, where hard work and jack-of-all-trades skills weren’t an option.  His upbringing parlayed perfectly into a knack for inventiveness, and future innovations that would improve the quality of life for thousands in generations to come.

62% of the human body is hydrogen, and most of the ailments of man are either caused by or exacerbated by hydrogen deficiency.

George began working with Brown’s Gas in 1986, and has since developed technologies that make use of this miraculous gas for Fuel Saving, Torch-Fuel Gas, and Radioactive Neutralization.  What’s more, his inventions are patent-free so his knowledge remains readily available to anyone wishing to duplicate his creations.

George has become an expert in Browns’ Gas, also known as HHO or HydrOxy, with a primary focus on the industrial and energy-saving aspects that would eventually lead to the realization of the astonishing health benefits that occur when inhaled, and drinking infused water.

Compromised energy reserves lead to illness, but Brown’s Gas solves this energy crisis.  Mr. Wiseman’s current focus for the application of Brown’s Gas is HydrOxy for health, and his practical & safe technology is fast becoming one of the most important innovations of all time.

Show links: https://eagle-research.com/

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