Food shortages amidst weather modification, ecological degradation and the advent of the ‘Solar Minimum’ is now beyond speculation. A looming economic crisis, and the realization that “the government is not here to help us” begs the question, “are you prepared”? John Hickman from ‘Primitive Ways’ has heeded the wake-up call, and empowered himself with the tools most essential for the likely future we now face. His extensive knowledge of horticulture & permaculture is augmented with essential survival skills honed through real life application.
John rounds his vast range of off-grid living savvy with a working knowledge in martial arts, nutrition & psychology. John emphatically states, “I can live anywhere with no money or belongings and survive”. Freedom from the grips of the control grid is John’s objective, and a passion we share here at the Alfa Vedic off-grid permaculture farm. Preparation is the inverse of negativity, so listen in and learn how to reconnect, re-prioritize & generally reclaim your power. It’s time!
Please subscribe to John’s YouTube Channel Primitive Ways:…