#259 – Using God’s Technology w/ Dr. Moshe Daniel Block
#259 - Using God's Technology w/ Dr. Moshe Daniel Block "Joe", an inventor from down under, and innovator of the Joe Cell was/is a very special individual who was divinely inspired to build devices (cells) to experiment with water. Most noted was his "cell" integrated with the Internal Combustion Engine in which he introduced a [...] Continue Reading -
#258 – Countering The Scorched Earth Land Grab w/ Traci Derwin & Shane Buell
#258 - Countering The Scorched Earth Land Grab w/ Traci Derwin & Shane Buell Scorched Earth warfare is nothing new. Fire has historically been the preferred weapon to commandeer covetted land. Marauding soldiers with torches on horseback left nothing to the imagination of those witnessing their villages, crops and kinsman succumbing to utter destruction. Present-day [...] Continue Reading -
#257 – 2025: A Most Auspicious Year w/ Dr. Barre Lando & Mike Winner
#257 - 2025: A Most Auspicious Year w/ Dr. Barre Lando & Mike Winner The roots of what has become the Alfa Vedic community were sowed in decades past. The introduction of Mom & Pop health food stores, organic farming, the rebirth of Naturopathic Medicine, and an almost universal disdain for war and government encroachments [...] Continue Reading -
#256 – Wellness & Wisdom For The Times Ahead w/ Josh Trent
#256 - Wellness & Wisdom For The Times Ahead w/ Josh Trent Just when you think one year can't out-top the other in world turmoil, institutionalized deception and war-lust from the "boys downstairs", 2024 reached new heights in ludicrosity. Despite the all-out effort to orchestrate chaos on every level, we're on to "them", and the [...] Continue Reading -
#255 – Wielding Equity For Natural Justice w/ Michael Joseph & Phil Mederi
#255 - Wielding Equity For Natural Justice w/ Michael Joseph & Phil Mederi Natural Design is the template gifted by our Creator for the elevation of human consciousness, as we journey through the procession of embodiments within this realm. Imagine the possibility of societal structures mirroring the straight-forward elegance of Nature. Now contrast this with [...] Continue Reading -
#254 – The Christos Oil & Salts Of Life w/ Steve Falconer
#254 - The Christos Oil & Salts Of Life w/ Steve Falconer Author & film-maker, Steve Falconer joins this roundtable to further explore the etheric fabric that shapes Nature, our bodies and life in all dimensions. Central to our discussion will be the Cell Salts of Life and how they connect us with the larger [...] Continue Reading -
#253 – RIP U.S. INC w/ Etienne de la Boetie2
#253 - RIP U.S. INC w/ Etienne de la Boetie2 An established military axiom amongst the rank & file is to "never volunteer". Similar to the enlisted, the larger collective is taught to keep their heads down, and do the time. Fact is, we all volunteer to do someone else's bidding, even if it comes [...] Continue Reading -
#252 – The Post-Reset Reality Matrix w/ Martin Liedtke
#252 - The Post-Reset Reality Matrix w/ Martin Liedtke mbed" id="morphx__embed" style=" display: block !important; position: relative !important; padding-top: calc(56.25% + 102px) !important; "> The proverbial "glitch in the Matrix" is no longer a Sci-Fi phenomenon discernible only to the unfettered vision of the freedom fighters aboard the Nebuchadnezzar. What we have been taught is [...] Continue Reading -
#251 – The Great Sasquatch Awakening w/ Ashlea Stinnett
#251 - The Great Sasquatch Awakening w/ Ashlea Stinnett Our favorite costume party is ready to commence, and what better occasion to acknowledge the most infamous of the cryptid-hominid demographic than Halloween. "Scientists" remain skeptical that "Bigfoot" is a reality, but it's difficult to wholly dismiss centuries of folklore and countless first-hand accounts celebrating the [...] Continue Reading -
#250 – Dispelling The Fog Of War w/ Topher Gardner
#250 - Dispelling The Fog Of War w/ Topher Gardner Good Alfacast friend, Christopher Gardner, joins us for an Alchemical dissection of the orchestrated mellee now engulfing terrestrial life on every level. Our discussion will traverse relevant topics from geoengineering, free-energy suppression and the very nature of the etheric mechanisms responsible for the fabrication of [...] Continue Reading -
#249 – Countering The Governance of Evil w/ James Tunney
#249 - Countering The Governance of Evil w/ James Tunney James Tunney, ever-popular with the Alfacast community, returns for a part 3 exploration into the contemporaneous variant of "science", as a deceptive tool for totalitarian governance. Obvious parallels with religious zealotry aside, the present atomistic bias shuns the living etheric mechanisms for nano-tech neuro-networks fueled [...] Continue Reading -
#248 – The Upside Down Cosmos w/ Mark Gober
#248 - The Upside Down Cosmos w/ Mark Gober Within academia there's an insider saying about the 3-tiered letters of achievement ladder in recognition of one's degree of intellectual prowess. It goes something like this, BS = Bullsh@t, MS = More Sh#t and PhD = Piled high & Deep. A humorous rendition for sure, but, [...] Continue Reading -
#247 – Music of The Spheres w/ Randy Masters
#247 - Music of The Spheres w/ Randy Masters "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". So what does this familiar Biblical quote suggest, or could it be a literal explanation of the principles of Universal Creation? Prior to the advent of scientism, Alchemists described [...] Continue Reading -
#246 – The Inner Frontier of Human Design w/ Sophie Fletcher & Yerasimos
#246 - The Inner Frontier of Human Design w/ Sophie Fletcher & Yerasimos Institutionalized constructs operating under the guise of health care, finance & governance are presently facing a well-deserved & scathing scrutiny as more awaken to the realization of the systemic deceit that has brought us to the brink of utter ruination. Every cloud [...] Continue Reading -
#245 – The Contagion Persuasion w/ Daniel Roytas
#245 - The Contagion Persuasion w/ Daniel Roytas On this episode we further develop a recurrent and all-important Alfacast theme; what really makes us ill? Unfortunately, the standardized medical curriculums in conventional & "alternative" medical colleges alike leave aspiring practitioners woefully unprepared to meet the demands of ailing bodies, let alone understand the authentic etiology of [...] Continue Reading -
#244 – Replacing Big Tech & Rising Above w/ Hakeem Anwar
#244 - Replacing Big Tech & Rising Above w/ Hakeem Anwar The predator class has worked diligently to normalize theft in every manner and form. Taxation and endless fees & fines are just a few of the institutionalized techniques used to surreptitiously purloin the necessities of life from a domesticated population. Perhaps the most egregious [...] Continue Reading -
#243 – Simulacra End Games w/ Jason Breshears of Archaix
#243 - Simulacra End Games w/ Jason Breshears of Archaix For many of us, news cycles, elections, wars, elites etc. are increasingly difficult to be taken seriously, or in any way be confused with "reality". One by one, the facades are crumbling, and we are awakening to the Universal right for Self-Determination. Jason Breshears is [...] Continue Reading -
#242 – Living Free Down Under w/ Tom Barnett
#242 - Living Free Down Under w/ Tom Barnett This past weekend's Living Free Festival in Pillar Valley, Australia was a great success with an international alliance of noted speakers and free thinkers who believe it's time to return our world to the Creator's intended design as a Realm of Peace & Plenty. Our own [...] Continue Reading -
#241 – Down The Memory Hole w/ Michelle Gibson
#241 - Down The Memory Hole w/ Michelle Gibson As this era of "no more secrets" continues to unfold we are witnessing one surrealistic revelation after another, but nothing is more incredulous to the average intellect than the alteration of our history and timelines in their entirety. Special guest, Micelle Gibson, joins Alfacast this week [...] Continue Reading -
#240 – Birthing An Enlightened World w/ Eyla Cuenca
#240 - Birthing An Enlightened World w/ Eyla Cuenca This week's Alfacast guest, Eyla Cuenca, is a Childbirth Educator, Doula, health freedom advocate & birth trauma alchemist. Her work is dedicated to offering guidance that supports women and men in returning to their deepest knowing about birth, individual sovereignty, and the body’s innate intelligence. With [...] Continue Reading -
#239 – BioTerrain Superpowered Self-Healing w/ Polla Pratt
#239 - BioTerrain Superpowered Self-Healing w/ Polla Pratt First and foremost Alfa Vedic is a Health & Wellness platform grounded in permaculture farming with decades of clinical practice in Bioterrain Medicine. Bioterrain Medicine is founded on the knowledge and application of Nature's four regenerative pillars: hydrogen, oxygen, inorganic elements & organic matter. On this Alfacast, [...] Continue Reading -
#238 – Anastasia’s Plan To End The Technocracy w/ Gabriel Miguel
#238 - Anastasia's Plan To End The Technocracy w/ Gabriel Miguel The reclamation of Mankind's sovereignty on the land has become increasingly relevant, and many are now feeling a sense of urgency to decouple from the synthetic grid. Vladimir Megre's adventures in the Siberian Taiga with Anastasia are now legendary, as the Ringing Cedars series [...] Continue Reading -
#237 – Heal Thyself At Home Using Homeopathy w/ Lisa Strbac
#237 - Heal Thyself At Home Using Homeopathy w/ Lisa Strbac What is homeopathy and how does it work? The qualitative attributes of Homeopathic remedies can best be understood through the lens of wave form physics, but that's typically several rungs beyond the pay-grade of the average medical skeptic. On this Alfacast episode, author and [...] Continue Reading -
#236 – Breaking The Spell w/ Dani Katz
#236 - Breaking The Spell w/ Dani KatzBenjamin In this MK Ultra age of propaganda, lies and gas-lighting a fine-tuned BS-meter is essential. A good sense of humor will get you the rest of the way home, and this week's Alfacast guest is armed with both. Dani Katz is a Languaging expert and a catalyst [...] Continue Reading