#232 – Save The Ley Lines, Save The World w/ Rachel Vaughan

Rachel Vaughan is yet again another victim of MK Ultra now attesting to the unspeakable acts against children & humanity by the darkest of souls in positions of power.  Similar to regular Alfacast friend, Cathy O’Brien, Rachel draws strength from her early life ordeals to bring light into the shadows.

Rachel has proven the existence of an extensive tunnel system through which she was sex trafficked as a child in the 1970’s and 80’s, and is now working with the ley lines of the Earth to thwart this activity.

Founded by herself with Ben Hawkes, the Ley Down Love Project, identifies and works with the natural ley lines to counter the effects of those that have used these channels to further their agenda to keep embodied souls in darkness.

The primary mission of the Ley Down Love Project is to take back the ley lines and chakras of the world from the effects of the ritualized practices that have programmed these channels to spread misery for millennia.

Rachel is working to recruit an army of light souls to unite within the leys to bring in frequencies of harmony, love, freedom, health, & prosperity for all life on Earth.

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